Thursday, February 27, 2014

Journal #7

Journal on Factoring

For Friday 3/7 your journal is on the following:

You have been given the quadratic equation: 

if you cannot see the photo above the equation is: y = x^2 + 6x - 7

* ^2 means squared *

Please solve this quadratic using both FOIL(factoring) and complete the square. How do these two method compare? Are your answers the same? Is one method more useful than the other? Please support your answer with mathematical examples.

**Remember your journal must be 150 words**

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Introduction to Quadractic Equations

February 25th, 2014 Homework

Watch the video below:

If the video does not play you can also find it at this link:

All of the examples in this video can be represented by a quadratic equation. We will begin discussing and learning about quadratic equations in class tomorrow. 

**Be prepared to answer questions about the video in class tomorrow.**

If the video does not play above you can also find it at the link below: