Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Notes on Rate of Change and Slope

Below is the link to the notes on section 3.3 in the textbook. Watch the video and complete the notes.

Link to Notes:

Video about Roots

This is a review of the notes about roots, zeros, solutions, and x-intercepts. Review this video to clear up any confusion.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Notes on Solving Equations by Graphing

Above is the link to the Powerpoint notes from class 10/29 on solving equations by graphing.

Video on Finding the Slope of the Line

You can watch this video as an alternative to the videos on the textbook website and write about it in your journal.

Video on Graphing using X and Y intercepts

As an alternative to the videos on the textbook website you can watch this video and write about it in your journal.

Journal Set Up

Each week students will be given a prompt to answer in their journals. Students will receive the journal assignment on Monday and the assignment will be due Friday. Students will also respond to the math videos that they watch throughout the week. The journals will count as a homework grade worth 10 points each week. These journals should be completed in composition notebooks and I will respond to each entry the student gives.

Responses to Math Videos:

Name of Video

Your response should be at least 3 sentences, in which you state what the topic of the video is and what you learned or still have questions about.

Response to Weekly Prompt:

Journal Title

Week October 29th Journal Prompt 1

What is a root? Explain the process of finding a root. Write about your understanding of a root and how it applies to any previously learned topics. Write down any questions you still have about this weeks topics.