Friday, April 25, 2014

Journal #9

    Journal #9 Statistics Due Friday May 2nd

              For this journal you will collect your own data. Come up with a question to ask some of your peers and/or family members. (Example: How many pets do you have?, How many siblings do you have?) This has to be a question where you will get numerical data and you must ask at least 10 People.

              Once you have acquired all your data find the mean, median, mode, and range. You need to also represent the data in either a dot plot, box plot, or histogram.


Friday, April 4, 2014

Review Packet

Below  I have listed some resources for you to use, while working through your review packet. The resources are listed in order of the questions in the packet:

Question #1

Average rate of change is the same as slope

Question #2 Zeros

Definition of a Zero

Question #3 Finding Zeros (factoring, complete the square, or quadratic formula)

Factoring, Quadratic Formula

Question #4 Pythagorean Theorem 

Pythagorean Theorem

Question #5  Solving Systems Algebraically

Writing Systems from a Word Problem
Solving Systems

Question #6

Writing and Solving Inequlities

Question #8

Writing Systems from a Word Problem
Solving Systems

Question #1

Plug in x and y values into the two equations to see which one does not work for either.
Or Graph the inequalities and find what point lies outside of your shading.

Question #2

Quadratic Formula

Question #5

Factor by Grouping Steps

Friday, March 14, 2014

Journal #8

    Journal #8   Due March 21st   **Your journal must be at least 150 words**

Who developed imaginary numbers? Do a little research to find out why imaginary numbers started.  Why do you think mathematicians would develop imaginary  numbers?

      Solve the following problem for the two values of x. 
                              (your answer should include the number i):

                                 -4x^2 + 8x -10 = 0

         **Remember ^ means squared.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Journal #7

Journal on Factoring

For Friday 3/7 your journal is on the following:

You have been given the quadratic equation: 

if you cannot see the photo above the equation is: y = x^2 + 6x - 7

* ^2 means squared *

Please solve this quadratic using both FOIL(factoring) and complete the square. How do these two method compare? Are your answers the same? Is one method more useful than the other? Please support your answer with mathematical examples.

**Remember your journal must be 150 words**

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Introduction to Quadractic Equations

February 25th, 2014 Homework

Watch the video below:

If the video does not play you can also find it at this link:

All of the examples in this video can be represented by a quadratic equation. We will begin discussing and learning about quadratic equations in class tomorrow. 

**Be prepared to answer questions about the video in class tomorrow.**

If the video does not play above you can also find it at the link below:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Extra Credit Journal

The following journal needs to be at least 200 words and is due on Januray 29th.

Geometric and Arithmetic Sequences:

Compare and contrast geometric and arithmetic sequences. (What do they have in common? How are they different?)

What is different about explicit and recursive formulas? Why do you think we write both? Is one more useful than the other? In what situation would it be best to use a recursive formula? In what situation would it be best to use an explicit formula?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Linear Equations: Midterm Review

The following link is a slideshow to review writing linear equations:

The following video is a review of graphing linear equations from slope-intercept form:

Review the following webpage and video for a review on direct variation:

The following video reviews parallel and perpendicular lines:
The following video review arithmetic sequences:
The following video review linear regression and how to put linear regression into your calculator: